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Admission into the Doctoral Course in the Autumn Semester, Graduate School of Economics, General Admissions


The Graduate School of Economics will begin admitting students to its doctoral course in the fall semester starting with the 2013-2014 academic year. As a result, from June 2013, the Graduate School of Economics will hold entrance examinations for general admissions to the doctoral course in June/July (the Fall Round) as well as in March (the Spring Round). Applicants who pass the entrance examination (Fall Round) held in June/July 2013 will start their doctoral course in September 2013. The application period will be 19 June 2013 to 21 June 2013.

Applicants will be screened for interviewing based on an examination of the applicant’s application documents including his/her Master’s thesis, or the equivalent of a Master’s thesis. Those applicants selected for interview will be asked about their thesis, study plan, etc. Interviews will be held on 11 July 2013 at the Mita Campus of Keio University.

As part of their application documents, applicants for the entrance examination (Fall Round) for general admission to the doctoral course will be required to provide evidence of their English-language competence in the form of their TOEFL iBT, IELTS or GRE scores in a test taken by the applicant between 20 May 2011 and 19 May 2013.

For TOEFL iBT tests, applicants must submit both their Official Score and Order Summary. First, they should ask the ETS to send the Official Score Report directly to Keio University. The TOEFL Institution Code for Keio University is 0773, and the Department Code for the Graduate School of Economics is 84. In addition to the Official Score Report, each applicant must print and submit an Order Summary bearing his/her name along with the other application documents required by the Graduate School. This is so that the candidate can prove that s/he has asked ETS to send the Official Score Report directly to Keio University.

The Official Score Report must be for a TOEFL iBT test taken by the applicant between 20 May 2011 and 19 May 2013. Only those Official Score Reports that have been delivered to Keio University by the final day of the application period will be accepted. Score reports that do not arrive by this date will not be accepted unless the applicant can prove that s/he made the request to the ETS by 19 May 2013.

For IELTS tests, applicants are required to submit their Test Report Form. Please ensure that the organization implementing the test sends the Test Report Form directly to Keio University. The Test Report Form must be for an IELTS test taken by the applicant between 20 May 2011 and 19 May 2013. Only those Test Report Forms that have been delivered to Keio University by the final day of the application period will be accepted.

For GRE tests, applicants are required to submit their Official Score Report. Please ask the ETS to send the Test Report Form directly to Keio University. The GRE Institution Code for Keio University is 3843, and the Department and Major Field Codes are 1801. The Official Score Report must be for a GRE test taken by the applicant between 20 May 2011 and 19 May 2013. Only those Official Score Reports that have been delivered to Keio University by the final day of the application period will be accepted. Score reports that do not arrive by this date will not be accepted unless the request was made to the ETS by 19 May 2013.

An Application Guide for General Admissions to the Graduate School of Economics Doctoral Course will be uploaded to Keio University’s web site in April 2013.

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