Faculty of Economics Hyde Awards for AY2013
Faculty of Economics Hyde Awards for AY2013
The Hyde Awards were established in 1988. This was in accordance with a bequest to the Faculty of Economics by Professor Duncan Clark Hyde, who taught at Keio University during the academic year 1921-1922. The purpose of the bequest was to encourage high-level academic performance by students.
Every year the Hyde Awards Selection Committee invites undergraduate students in the Faculty to submit academic papers on a particular economic issue. The issue chosen for the academic year 2013-2014 was labour. Students were asked to consider topics related to the Japanese labour market such as the hiring system, the increase in non-permanent forms of employment, seniority-based remuneration as opposed to performance-based remuneration, gender issues and so on.
Eight papers were entered. After rigorous screening by the Hyde Awards Selection Committee, it was decided to give three awards for effort but no first or second prizes.
Awards for effort were given for the following papers:
A solution to the fall in the birthrate caused by the increased participation of women in the labour market: From the Butz and Ward model of fertility to KIS
Authors: Hiromi Kumai, Second Year, Class No. 28
Ko Inoue, Second Year, Class No. 33
Takayuki Seno, Second Year, Class No. 32
“The “collapse” of Japanese society after World War II: A case study of the Kotobukicho district of Yokohama city and its history”
Authors: Daiki Hattori, Third Year, Class No. 16
Yosuke Hayashi, Third Year, Class No. 24
Kento Meo, Third Year,Class No. 2
“Creating a society where women will want to be part of the workforce”
Author: Ruriko Toshida, Third Year, Class No. 35