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HOME > EVENT INFORMATION > 経済学部主催 日伊国交150周年記念カンファレンス
「The Economics of Italy and Japan: Historical Development and Future Policies for Stability and Growth」


経済学部主催 日伊国交150周年記念カンファレンス
「The Economics of Italy and Japan: Historical Development and Future Policies for Stability and Growth」




2016年5月23日月曜日 10:00~16:15


慶應義塾大学三田キャンパス 北館一階 北館ホール(アクセス)









Morning Sessions
Moderator: Ms Noriko Kamijo, news caster at NHK

10:00-10:15 Opening remarks
        Professor Atsushi Seike, President of Keio University
        Professor Carlo Secchi, Former Rector of Bocconi University

10:15-10:30 Speech by the Ambassador of Italy to Japan
        H.E. Mr Domenico Giorgi, Ambassador of the Italian Republic

Part II

10:30-11:55 Presentations by representatives of the Bank of Italy and the Bank of Japan
        Dr Salvatore Rossi, Senior Deputy Governor of the Bank of Italy
        Mr Hiroshi Nakaso, Deputy Governor of the Bank of Japan
        Followed by a Panel Discussion with two speakers.
        Chairperson: Ms Kaori Iida, Senior Editor of NHK

Lunch Break

Part III Re-opening Announcement: Ms Noriko Kamijo

13:00-14:45 Presentations by Italian and Japanese Scholars
        Professor Franco Bruni, Bocconi University
        Professor Shumpei Takemori, Keio University

        Followed by a Panel Discussion with two speakers.
        Chairperson: Mr Stefano Carrer, correspondent in Tokyo of Il Sole 24 Ore

14:45-15:15 Presentation by an executive from private sector
        Mr Teruo Asada, Chairman of Marubeni Corporation

15:15-15:25 Q&A Session chaired by Mr Carrer

15:25-16:00 Closing remarks
        Ms Gelsomina Vigliotti, Director of International Financial Relations,
         Ministry of Economy and Finance
        The Honourable Nobuhide Minorikawa, member of the House of Representatives,
         and Former State Minister of Finance





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