片岡 実鈴
1. 慶應-パリ政治学院ダブルディグリープログラムを選んだ理由は?
I first heard about this program even before starting high school, and ever since, I have always conceived it as my dream to be part of this program. The Double Degree Programme empowers me to become an individual with extraordinary dreams and passion outside of my box. Having been educated in Japan and as well as India for eight years, it has enhanced my visions and the limitless possibilities outside of Japan. However, I have clearly lacked knowledge and experience in European cultures to become a truly global soul. Therefore, I conceived that studying in Sciences Po with the most dedicated and passionate students from all around the globe will stimulate me in academics and as well as every precious experiences that I am able to attain through this Double Degree Programme.
2. プログラムに参加して一番よかったことは?
Having able to meet, interact and get inspiration from the diverse student body in Sciences Po without feeling confined by borders. I have developed a deep appreciation for the role of diversity in my education, learned the value of diverse points of views, and acquainted myself with a broad array of legal process, research and argumentative techniques.
3. 将来の計画や展望は?
I wish to work with underprivileged communities, such as individuals seeking asylum to make small changes to underlying social inequalities in society. Growing up, I spent eight years in India, where the rich lived like a Maharaja while the street children of my age worked amidst dire conditions in slums, begging for money over the fence of my school. A sense of discomfort grew inside me because I felt powerless against the huge inequalities of the power hierarchy. Living in France with various social issues from the leading economic point of view has also expanded my view towards social issues and hope the remainder of my studies will continue to link me to opportunities that can bring me closer towards my goals
4. ダブルディグリープログラムに興味を持って下さったみなさんに一言
Stepping out of your comfort zone might seem scary, but if it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.