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Credit Transfer Agreements

Credit Transfer System with the Institute of Science Tokyo

The faculty of economics has an agreement of credit transfers with the Institute of Science Tokyo.

Access to the Institute of Science Tokyo

Students who consider taking courses at the Institute of Science Tokyo should be aware of traveling time before registration.

(1-minute walk from Ookayama Station on the Tokyu Oimachi and Tokyu Meguro Lines)

Available Courses

See the list of subjects distributed at the Office of Student Services.
For contents of courses, see the website of the Institute of Science Tokyo:


See the timetable listed on the news released in K-Support or the website of the Institute of Science Tokyo.

Credit Transfer

For more details about the credit transfer, please see the Course Registration Guide.
Information on registration procedures and transferrable credits is available on the Course Registration Guide.
Students can take courses offered by each faculty of the Institute of Science Tokyo up to a maximum of 30 credits as a Related Course. Up to 12 credits can be counted for the category of Major Subjects.

Please note that most courses available at the Institute of Science Tokyo are taught in Japanese.

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