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HOME > Undergraduate > Independent Research Projects for PEARL students > IRP Course Structure > Creation-type Research

Independent Research Projects for PEARL students

Creation-type Research

Creations such as artwork or literary work are acceptable in an IRP, but there are some matters to be attended to.

The Range of Creation-type Research

Any subject or genre (literary work, film, fine arts, or music) is possible. However, some type of activities such as a fun-fiction is unsuitable for IRP. If you are interested in this type research, you must consult with the coordinators in advance.


In addition to creation, students are also required to submit a paper-based “sub-article,” which conducts an academic analysis of your creation. The expected length of the sub-article is 5,000 to 8,000 words.

The coordinators of the “Independent Research Project C” evaluate the “sub-article”, but not the creation itself.


Students who are interested in the creation-type research are expected to contact the coordinators as early as possible (at least by August of the year they wish to start the IRP). The final decision on your registration will be made based on consultations between the coordinators and the student’s proposed supervisor.

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