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HOME > Undergraduate > Study Abroad > Double BA Programme between Keio University and Sciences Po > Student Interview "Sciences Po" > Satoshi Ishida

Study Abroad

Satoshi Ishida

1. Why did you choose to take part in the Keio-Sciences Po Double Degree Programme?

I aspire to strengthen the bonds between Japan and the rest of the world in the future. Accordingly, I wanted to pursue three pillars of personal development through this program. Firstly, I wanted to interact with students of different backgrounds to acquire a flexible and cultivated point of view. Secondly, as someone interested in international relations, I have always wanted to study at a grande école that specializes in political science. Lastly, I was raised in a French/English bilingual environment in my childhood, thus using English on campus and using French outside the campus felt like a natural way to challenge and hone my existing linguistics skills.

2. What was the most rewarding experience?

I have finished one semester at Keio and two semesters at Sciences Po, and it has left me feeling deeply grateful to this program. This program has two appeals. Firstly, we can forge a deep relationship with friends from all over the world. Le Havre Campus is a small campus, and almost all students are living apart from their parents. Hence, we often have dinner together and help each other not only in academic field but in many aspects of daily life. Secondly, since the syllabuses of Keio and Sciences Po are different, we can experience the best of both curriculums. Since Keio hosts thousands of students, most classes are lecture type, and they mostly grade by written exams. On the other hand, Sciences Po provides opportunities where students can give presentations and debates. Furthermore, students are expected to do weekly readings beforehand and come to class with critical opinions, thus allowing for more dynamic classes.

3. What are your plans for the future?

This summer, I will be doing an internship at an organization in France where we help people who have financial difficulties. Next year, in my second grade at Sciences Po, I am also planning to do an internship while studying to further improve my social skills in a professional setting.

4. A short message to future participants

This program is highly recommended for those who want to represent your country and gain a world-standard point of view!

(Joined in AY 2021)

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